Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why Replacing Your Old Number Plate is a Must to Do This Holiday Season?

Your busy schedules could be taxing your health so much that your mind craves for holidays madly. Luckily you are already nearing the dates that you had been anticipating profoundly all along the year. The holidays could be exciting since packing and travelling is the part and parcel of holidays. Make sure your trip is not hampered just because snow and ice are troubling your car. Do not worry. Fill in your checklist with the following items:

1. Clear off all snow and ice from your windows, headlights, taillights and license plate frames.
2. Start and warm your car for a minute or two before driving off.
3. Check the tread of your tires. It must be at least 1/16 of an inch. If the treads are uneven replace it.
4. Make sure your windshield washer fluid is tank full and also check if the wipers are not frozen to windshield before heading out.
5. Always keep half a tank of gas in your vehicles. Ensure you also pack in your car winter survival kit.
6. Finally, drive slowly.

A simple checklist can make your holidays easier and happy. Still there are things which are required to be taken care of before your holiday starts. Foremost thing is your old license plates. You would never want a traffic cop to pull down your car just because the license plate is illegible. Hope this answers your query of why replacing your old number plate is a must thing to do this holiday season?

License plates along with your license plate frames are store house of dirt and grime. People often tend to forget to clear their auto license plates and frames on normal days. This adds onto a greater problem when winter steps in. The dirt on the license plates and license frames attract the moisture resulting in the oxidization of the frames making the plate illegible.

Salt may be good for melting snow but it worsens the rusting problems in your car. The under body of cars is often coated with anti-corrosion paint that saves the metal parts of your car. Salts along with dirt can damage your license plates to a great extent. The rusting may even begin from the metal screws of your license frames and spread all over. Make sure your personalized license plate frames are rust free. A good care of your auto license plates and frames can reduce your winter woes.

Top 5 Trending Fonts and Styles of License Plates for Used Vehicle Purchase

License plates in the United States contains symbols, colors or slogans that is associated with the issuing jurisdiction, which consists of 50 states, District of Columbia, 5 inhabited US territories and Native American tribes. Passenger vehicle license plates have 5-7 characters which varies depending on population of each jurisdiction and vanity plates have up to 8 characters in some states.

The government of US has not legislated any particular font for use on the license frames and plates. The federal governments are responsible to decide the look of license plate which have varying fonts around an overall theme associated with the state.

The standardized license plate of US is 12 x 6” (305mm by 152mm) which necessitates the character width to be narrow. The monospaced font design is the only common design characteristic of American license plate font. In the US, the license plate production has been a prison industry till now.  J.R Wald company have had a huge impact on font or embossed die usage. Font styles have also been greatly influenced by prison industry which had been predominantly occupied by draftsmen, engineers or people trained in mechanical drawing.

Categorization of fonts 

• Font types are categorized based on how curves differ in appearance and construction. The types are namely:
o Semi-circular curves /Din styles
o Squarish
o Oval curves
o Mixtures or hybrids
• Embossed plates and flat digital plates use separate fonts for regular passenger plates and vanity plates respectively. The John R.Wald Company is the major provider of embossed font designs. Avery-Dennison and 3M are well known suppliers of reflective sheeting and flat-plates.
• Digital and personalized license plate frames are fast gaining popularity due to the increased speed and flexibility of digital production and also its cost effectiveness. Digital plates are preferred due to its flat its flat surface and process to produce it.

The trending fonts are

1. License Plate
2. Misproject
3. Pennsylvania
4. Penitentiary Gothic
5. Refrigerator Deluxe

The digital fonts are on rise due to the preference of flat surface and is here to stay. The license frames and plates are customized to give them a classy feel and finish. You can browse the web to know more about prevailing fonts and personalized license plate frames.